“We The People” has become “ I The Person”

Nicholas Hawkins
5 min readDec 20, 2020

Yes, I tend to discuss topics that make you challenge my way of thinking and I wish that some choose to do so.

Creating distance:

This subject is one that you will hear a lot from me because I choose to see beyond the veil and my experiences has allowed me to do so.

Upon recent research and more of an understanding in relation to our life now, I believe it is time to knock down a few walls and open a few minds. Slow down, look to your right and then to your left. Are you in a grocery store? Let us place you in that location for just a moment. You are walking through the doors, you smell fresh food being prepared and the store is very clean. Multitudes of individuals are moving up and down the isles with peering eyes, spotting their next purchase. Even when moving slowly, their attention is not focused anywhere near you and subsequently you do not exist.

STOP! You are now standing still and watching what is taking place. To most, this is a place you must come to because you must eat. No questions take place besides “ what is for dinner”. For you, the overwhelming feeling that you are not prepared to take care of your family without this gigantic building full of food. You see them looking for “ gluten-free”, “no preservatives” and possibly “ no trans-fat”. And all you want is a package of some frozen fruit (yes, a delightful snack).

You then walk slowly towards the same isle that your food has always been on and it is not there. However, different foods exist where your foods existed previously. What are your next steps? First, are you in a hurry? Second, if you are in a hurry, how do you find the food you are searching for? Oh, do you ask someone where it is?

Back to business:

Do you see what I have done? I put you in three different situations. First, you are capable of seeing what needs to be seen. We are lazy. Second, you are heavily unprepared and extremely reliant on food always being there. Last, you had to ask someone where to find the food.

We have enough resources, people and knowledge to open our own grocery stores. We have enough understanding collectively ( in a community) to never need unnecessary items again, because WE ARE THE PEOPLE. Working to afford things that you never need ultimately makes you a leech and all you do is follow the trail of blood. For those of you who question that logic. Tell me again what type of soil, environment and plants can grow in or around your geological location. Do you remember when they told us that “ collecting rain water” was illegal?


Why on earth would collecting rain water be illegal? Are you the type of person to throw your head into the air as if you are too good to do that? Oh yeah? What if you had to? Maybe one day, the water coming from your faucet stops or better yet (fear mongering) what is coming out of your faucet that you are unaware of? Is this concerning you? Good. Each development, city or rural area cleans the water for you to consume and I have tasted some extremely disgusting water. Now, they have amazing filters to take care of that for you, removing so many chemicals, particulates and organisms that the water is pure for your consumption. Think about it, don’t expect anything to be good if it is every contaminated with manmade chemicals and in mass production. Humans make mistakes.

  • Would you walk up to your neighbor (the mean man next door) and ask him to hand you his compost from which he has eaten and thrown in the trash? Would you give him a trash can in which to dispose of half eaten apples, banana peels or newspaper and is accessible to your end goal of furnishing your garden with earthly materials?
  • Would you love to stop paying for electric and push the community to furnishing goods, food and other needed materials to put the money back into your pockets?
  • Would you love to know what you are consuming and know that it is organic? To know that you and your family will be healthy because the man down the street offered three acres for the community to live off of?
  • Would you love to meet a butcher or hunter that can offer you farm raised and grass fed beef?
  • Would you love to turn off that T.V and stop seeing ads about so many medications that were only invented because the medications you took before that had side affects? And maybe the ads that tell you that in order to be wanted or attractive you will need six hundred dollars in makeup? But what if you stopped seeing ads for the enormous amount of sugar in everything we consume?

You DO NOT need a sixty thousand dollar vehicle.

You DO NOT need a four hundred thousand dollar house.

You DO NOT need alcohol or drugs to be happy.

You DO NOT need to be rich.

“Quit chasing the only thing pulling us”. Did you understand that? If you slow down, manage your money and become as humble as you can possibly be and reach out to others, you may see that we are all doing the exact same thing and that the status quo is bound to change. Money pulls us and very hard. To make bad choices, to buy items on credit or with towering interest rates. We chase the money because they pull us into spending it.

If we spent as much time with our own people as we do fueling the machine, we could do anything we want and time would stand still for as long as we need it to.


“ We the people” have become lazy and continue to lose trades that make us valuable to our community. To our earth. Before the idea of who “has the best car” or “ the nicest house”, we fought to feed, clothe and shelter those close to us.

  • Look around you. We are being controlled. We are being force fed so much harmful food and technology that it makes you unable to be motivated. Do the research. The type of technology coming will either kill us or slow us down even more. Individuals, themselves have reported so many symptoms due to high volumes of electricity. Look for it.

We are moving into technology at a rather quick pace which adds distance between us. Soon, solar panels will fill the earth along with the ridiculous windmills. Both of these consume so much earthly minerals that it would be impossible to dispose of. You may have solar power in your home but you also have an ridiculous battery bank that is holding a substantial amount of energy. ( How does this tie in? Consumerism, division and a little knowledge).

The illusion is freedom. But you just bought into a piece of equipment that will need to be serviced and possibly replaced at some point.

Look, if I knew the answers to everything it would be great. Even though I am not a savior, I can see what others choose not to.

Think of how many children would be “saved” if you had known their parents or even perhaps the child. Think of how many could have been stopped from being violated sexually. Think…. WE THE PEOPLE need to THINK.

Be Kind. Be Courageous. We are all HUMANS!

