To Hell With 40hrs. A Week

Nicholas Hawkins
2 min readJan 2, 2021

Are you tired? Are you tired of giving your all to those who only see you as a number? Are you tired of following the pattern? What is this pattern you ask? That is simple. Wake up, shower, shave, make breakfast, (possibly take the kids to school) and then go to work. The afternoon routine is close to the morning routine but slightly different. You spend a least an hour in your car one way and another hour on the way home from work. Why?

To feed, house and clothe the ones you love. You can do all of that and if YOU can not I am sure your neighbors could and if they couldn’t, ask your other neighbors. We need to use our strengths again. For those of you who are inclined with mathematical, engineering or trades strength, use that to your advantage. Pay no electric, use your neighbors garden, (given you have proper trades in place) and dedicate yourselves.

The point being, we do not need what we have at this moment. Phones, iPads or any of the new tech. This new tech will replace us and if you don’t believe me, I don’t mind. Keep the straight and narrow.

We can move forward without the latest trends, we can sustain ourselves within our community and we can help others that help the cause. That is, to never take what you have for granted. You can change your life right now, see your family more and push yourself to your limit.

Be Wise. Be Cunning. For We Are HUMANS!

